Co-op gives its backing to Great Big Green Week
This June, Co-op is supporting Great Big Green Week and is calling for the public to get involved too.
By Francesca Evans
Posted: Thursday, 08th June 2023 12:00 am

This June, Co-op is supporting Great Big Green Week and is calling for the public to get involved too.
There are lots of ways to join in. You could share a photo or video of nature on your doorstep, take part in an event in your area, or share your hopes for future generations by writing a Letter to Tomorrow.
Great Big Green Week is the UK's biggest celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature, this year taking place from June 10 o 18 and organised by the Climate Coalition.
Bridport is staging a whole week of events to mark the occasion, starting with an opening event from 10.30am to 1.30pm on Saturday, June 10 at the Bridport Community Orchard, including a bike ride around the town.
Bridport's Co-op Member Pioneer Lesley Windsor will be among those running stalls at the event. She will be promoting Co-op Sustainability Live initiative and will be asking what sustainability means to you and your community.
There will also be live music from Squeezebox and refreshments.
You can find out more on the programme for Bridport's Great Big Green Week here.
Other ways to get involved in Great Big Green Week
Share on social media
Share a photo or video of nature on your doorstep!
It could be the squirrels in your local park, the plants on your balcony or your allotment.
Tag @coopuk and @TheCCoalition, use #GreatBigGreenWeek and tag a friend to do the same.
Host or join an event
Help to make this year Greater, Bigger and Greener by organising an event in your area!
A Great Big Green Week event can be anything from a plastic free picnic to a nature trail. Check out resources for organising an event here.
Alternatively, find an event in your community by visiting the Great Big Green Week website.
Write a Letter to Tomorrow
Share your hopes for future generations if our leaders step up to protect the environment.
Using hashtag #LetterstoTomorrow, post one hope for the future. Remember to tag @coopuk and @TheCCoalition.
Head to the Letters to Tomorrow site for inspiration and to submit and share your letter.
Become a Co-op member
When you buy selected Co-op products and services, 2p for every £1 you spend goes into your Co-op Membership account and Co-op gives the same amount to support community organisations and local causes.