Mutter Slater Band
The Ropemakers pub, Bridport
UNTIL Saturday 19th February

Mutter Slater was the front man and flute player for the cult 70s band Stackridge (produced by George Martin and signed by Elton John).
A group that established itself as a firm favourite on stages throughout the UK and appeared regularly on The Old Grey Whistle Test and after Stackridge Mutter returned to a life of quiet domesticity in the South West of England.
However the songwriting and performing bug eventually got the better of him, leading to the formation of his band and a return to the recording studios.
His songs musically reflect Mutter's primary interest in 60s blues, soul and R&B and his persistent addiction to a 'half decent tune'. The lyrics tell stories of illicit loves, human foolishness, bus stops, rail roads, playing the devil's games and much more besides.
The latest album 'Absobloodylutely can be found on iTunes and Amazon