Cycle through Bridport for our Climate
Bridport town centre
UNTIL Saturday 6th November

Cycle through Bridport on November 6th with West Dorset FoE and friends and be part of a Global Day of Action as COP 26 moves into its first weekend.
We hope that 40-50 cyclists will be taking a direct route through the town, before crossing Asker's meadow. The cyclists will remind Saturday shoppers that the UK and the international community are engaged in a high stakes conference to save our planet.
We want to be seen, but not to cause obstruction. Materials for signs and pre-printed signs will be available at the meeting point at the Football Car Park. We will meet at 11, head out by 11:45, and finish around 12:30 in the Orchard, with refreshments and chat.
We will have leafleting by non-riders before and during the event. Please register to ride or leaflet with Sarah Mackinnon on: [email protected]
Details can be found here