Co-op Local Causes: Bridport Community Kitchen here to help all
Continuing our series focussing on local causes being supported by the Co-op in Bridport and Beaminster, this week we look at Bridport Community Kitchen.
By Francesca Evans
Posted: Tuesday, 18th April 2023 12:00 am

As part of Nub News' partnership with the Co-op, we're sharing a series of features focussing on the great local causes currently being supported by Co-op members in Bridport and Beaminster.
This week we're focussing on Bridport Community Kitchen, one of three local causes being supported by Bridport Co-op and its members.
Bridport Community Kitchen, based at the Beacon Church on Priory Lane, was first opened three years ago to support the homeless, but has since developed into a facility for the benefit of the whole community.
The community kitchen has grown and developed to meet the changing needs of residents, particularly during the Covid pandemic, when it was able to remain open within guidelines, unlike many other support services.
Bridport Community Kitchen is open at the church from 10.30am to 2pm every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and is open to all. Free hot meals and refreshments are available, but volunteers say that people come just as much for the fellowship and social aspect, as well as the food.
The Beacon Church is also a designated warm space on Thursdays, offering crafts activities, knitting and crochet alongside the usual refreshments – a free space for all residents during the cost of living crisis.
Volunteers aim to assist those using the kitchen in any way they can, including referring them to other services, including drug and alcohol services and housing charities. An NHS nurse also attends most Wednesdays and it is hoped a representative from Christians Against Poverty will also be able to attend.
The community kitchen can also offer hot showers and clothes washing facilities.
Simon Batorski of Bridport Community Kitchen said: "It's a safe place for people and makes it easier for other agencies to reach residents in need."
Bridport Community Kitchen recently put a proposal forward to Bridport Town Council to offer emergency sleeping arrangements in the form of a self-sufficient pod, which would include a bed, toilet and solar panels. This would either be based at the community kitchen or elsewhere in Bridport and Simon said he hopes this project will soon become a reality with the support f the community, as there was a "definite need".
Being selected as one of Bridport Co-op's local causes will help the community kitchen pay for the recent refurbishment of its garden area, which Simon said has helped to create a new dynamic at the venue, offering a relaxed, outdoor space where residents can also enjoy barbecues.
Support from organisations such as Co-op will help the community kitchen achieve its long-term aim of becoming self-sustainable as it grows and costs continue to increase.
To help with this aim and support to the vulnerable in our community, you can make a small monthly donation of £10 using the following bank details - Beacon Church Bridport, account number 65773479, sort code 08-92-99. Please use reference 'kitchen' and your donation will go directly to the community kitchen to help fund its food and energy costs.
You can find out more about Bridport Community Kitchen on the Facebook page or at
When Co-op Members buy selected Co-op products and services, 2p for every £1 goes into their Co-op Membership account, and the same amount is given to support community organisations and local causes, such as Bridport Young Performers.
For more details, visit
Bridport Co-op's other current local causes are Bridport Young Performers Bridport Millennium Green Trust – look out for our future features!