Co-op Local Causes: Bridport Young Performers offering great opportunities to local youngsters
In a new series focussing on local causes currently being support by Co-op members in Bridport and Beaminster, we focus on Bridport Young Performers.
By Francesca Evans
Posted: Wednesday, 29th March 2023 12:00 am

As part of Nub News' partnership with the Co-op, we're sharing a series of features focussing on the great local causes currently being supported by Co-op members in Bridport and Beaminster.
This week we're focussing on Bridport Young Performers, one of three local causes being supported by Bridport Co-op and its members.
Bridport Young Performers aims to help and nurture young, local talent in any way it can. It offers young performers and backstage crew the chance to showcase and develop their skills, boost their confidence and take part in annual shows.
The organisation was first established 10 years ago by Bridport resident and now drama teacher at Colfox Academy, Jodie Glover, who set up the group to help pay for expensive tuition fees for prestigious performing arts school Italia Conti.
After successfully completing her course, Jodie continued to help others in the same way through Bridport Young Performers' scholarship scheme.
Bridport Young Performers is for those aged 25 and under. Its young members are given incredible opportunities to learn and develop skills in all areas of performance, through its annual shows and regular workshops and classes.
The group has staged an annual musical since 2016, with its latest production of Oliver winning rave reviews from audiences.
The musicals are staged entirely by its young members – whether that be performing on stage or working on the production side and on technical aspects behind the scenes.
Auditions for the next musical will take place in September.
Bridport Young Performers has also held Christmas showcases and cabarets, and regular workshops and special events for its members, including a recent stage combat workshop.
Members also regularly take part in community events, with one-off performances or stalls at fetes and festivals throughout the year.
All the money raised by the group is put back into its shows, developing the skills of members and for tuition fees.
Being selected as one of Bridport Co-op's Local Causes will help Bridport Young Performers to pay for rehearsal spaces, costumes and sets for future productions.
Bridport Young Performers will be holding its annual general meeting on Sunday, April 30 which will reflect on the past year, elect committee members for the coming year and consider two options for its next musical in December 2023.
The meeting will be held at Bridport Masonic Hall at 12noon, followed at 1.30pm by a rehearsal for a special 'Dance Through the Ages' to be held at the Allington Hillbilly's coronation event on Allington Hill on Saturday, May 6.
More details are available by visiting the Bridport Young Performers Facebook page or email [email protected]
When Co-op Members buy selected Co-op products and services, 2p for every £1 goes into their Co-op Membership account, and the same amount is given to support community organisations and local causes, such as Bridport Young Performers.
For more details, visit
Bridport Co-op's other current local causes are Bridport Community Kitchen and Bridport Millennium Green Trust – look out for our future features!