Wild & Homeless Books
Posted: Saturday, 14th November 2020 9:09 am

Well, hey, we're closed right now, but when we are open we sell secondhand books. Due to the present situation, we're not looking to purchase any books at the moment either, although that will obviously change once we're able to open again.
We've been trading from 12 South Street since February 2009. The current mismanagement team, who have been involved with the shop pretty much since opening, have been sitting in the big chair since Bastille Day 2016 and now have about 60 years of book trade experience between them in one form or another. The shop itself is situated on two floors of a listed (and listing) building, and contains (according to our surveyor) a ridiculous number of secondhand books. We try to carry a good general stock and do not specialise as such, although we're on reasonably good ground when it comes to Railways and Cricket. We are also stockists of Wild Swan railway titles, now being published in Bath by Simon Castens, owner of the Titfield Thunderbolt transport bookshop.
In addition to the current lockdown, we are occasionally closed due to ill-health, parenting responsibilities, Test Matches, and the phases of the moon. Please check if travelling specifically to visit. All of this rich pageant is watched over by a larger than life-sized print of Audrey Hepburn and a semi-sentient 1950s valve radio called The Behemoth.
You can find us:
@WHBooksBridport (Twitter)
www.wildandhomelessbooks.com (website - also has full contact details)Share: