Beaminster farm celebrating wildlife and biodiversity with Wilding Weekend

By Francesca Evans

12th Jun 2023 | Local News

Julia Hailes MBE and her husband Jamie Macdonald at Hooke Farm
Julia Hailes MBE and her husband Jamie Macdonald at Hooke Farm

Hooke Farm near Beaminster will be hosting a Wilding Weekend over June 17 and 18, including guided tours, talks, exhibitors and stalls on the theme of growing encouraging wildlife and biodiversity. 

The event is being run through the National Garden Scheme and will be raising funds for Operation Future Hope, which educates children in schools about conservation and wilding.

Julia Hailes MBE and her husband Jamie Macdonald will be hosting the event, sponsored by Clipper Tea, and are looking forward to opening their farm up to the public. 

Julia started her environmental career over 35 years ago and has now transformed the nine acres around her home into a wildlife haven. 

She said: "Come and see what we've done and see what you can do too!"

"What we do in our gardens has a significant impact on wildlife and climate change – and everyone has a part to play, however big or small your garden. 

"Why is this so important? Because there has been a massive decline in almost all types of animals, insects, birds, amphibians, and reptiles – as well as plants and fungi. And, so many of the things we're doing in our gardens contribute to this problem."

Conservation experts will show you the wildflower meadows, ponds, and grasslands identifying the insects, birds reptiles, and amphibians that they find.

This will include a bat and moth tour on the Saturday night, and a bee tour, helping identify the different types of been found on-site

Speakers over the weekend will include host Julia herself, telling visitors about the challenges and successes of wilding at Hooke. She will be joined by other experts covering a variety of topics.

As well as talks and tours there will be stands with information about conservation, wildlife and wilding, displays and things for sale, including books, bird boxes, wood products and local produce.

The Wilding Weekend, which ties in with Bridport's Great Big Green Week, will be held at Hooke Farm, Hooke, Beaminster (DT8 3NZ). More information and tickets are available at 


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