Patients at Bridport Community Hospital can now have two visitors

By Lottie Welch

1st Apr 2022 | Local News

Patients at Bridport Community Hospital can now have two visitors
Patients at Bridport Community Hospital can now have two visitors

Inpatients at Bridport Community Hospital and Dorset HealthCare's mental health units can now have two visitors.

People can see their loved ones on an appointment basis, arranged in advance with the ward. This is to ensure the trust knows who is on the ward and that there are not too many people in ward areas at any one time.

All visitors are still required to wear face coverings, sanitise their hands and comply with social distancing guidelines.

Cara Southgate, Dorset HealthCare's deputy director of nursing, therapies and quality, said: "While restrictions are being removed, the pandemic is not over and Covid-19 remains in circulation. As we all learn to live with Covid, we must remain vigilant to help protect the health and wellbeing of our patients, communities and staff.

"Vaccine are our first line of defence and it is vital that everyone eligible takes up the offer of their latest jab. Cleaning our hands, ventilating rooms well and wearing a mask in enclosed spaces are simple steps that will also help minimise risk."

Although the trust's visiting guidance has changed, visiting remains restricted to see inpatients who have Covid-19, except for compassionate reasons - for example to see people receiving end of life care.

If you are unable to visit a friend or relative in person, staff can arrange for you to speak to them via a video call - also known as 'virtual visiting'. Visit

For more information on visiting inpatients, outpatient appointments and more, visit

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