The Great Dorset Beach Clean is back

By Lottie Welch

1st Apr 2022 | Local News

The Great Dorset Beach Clean is back for its 32nd year, with events taking place across the coast from April 2 to 10.

The National Trust will be hosting a clean at Cogden Beach from 11am to 1pm on Sunday, April 3 and Clean Jurassic Coast will be holding a clean at Seatown on the Sunday from 2pm to 4pm. Register in advance for this here.

Sophie Colley, Litter Free Dorset's Coordinator, said: "Get involved with this year's Great Dorset Beach Clean to have some fun, meet likeminded people from the community and take part in an Easter litter hunt. Help us clear up our beaches prior to the summer season so we can spread the message that in Dorset we like to keep our beaches clean."

Last year's Great Dorset Beach Clean attracted more than 300 volunteers to take part. There were 19 cleans across the Dorset coast which cleared 165 bags of rubbish, including tyres, buried rusty lobster pots, tents, oil drums and a gazebo, from Dorset's beaches.

Lizzie Prior, beachwatch manager at the Marine Conservation Society, said: "The Great Dorset Beach Clean is a fantastic project and we're really pleased to be involved in this year's events. We'll be hosting a beach clean and litter survey for volunteers on April 5.

"The data our volunteers collect has a direct impact on our work at the Marine Conservation Society; it helped us to push for plastic bag charges across the UK and we've since seen numbers of bags on beaches consistently drop. From a high of 13 on average in 2013, to just three per 100 metres in 2021.

"Getting involved in beach cleaning projects is a fantastic opportunity to get outdoors, give back and protect our ocean."

Check out Litter Free Dorset's social media platforms to stay updated and find a clean near you.

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