Plans for a prop workshop and storage building to support Bridport's arts organisations

By Lottie Welch

18th Feb 2022 | Local News

Due to demand from local theatre and arts groups, Bridport Town Council hopes to bring a purpose-built prop storage to a brownfield site in the town centre.

A planning application has been submitted by the town council to Dorset Council for the facility.

The new building will provide storage for props, a workshop for repairs and preparation of props and office space.

The ground floor will mainly be storage units, together with a toilet and shower, while the first floor will have further storage and space for exhibition preparation, photography studio, workshop with sink, work space/office, meeting/training room and kitchenette area.

The plot of land proposed is on Rope Walks, behind South Street and West Street, next to the rear of The Ropemakers and Waitrose and by Rope Walks car park. The site is on a 90+ year lease from Dorset Council to Bridport Town Council. The site has been vacant for many years.

The design and access statement states: "Bridport Town Council is therefore showing local community leadership by taking forward this initiative, which will help ensure the long-term future and sustainability of the various cultural organisations."

It adds that the site is "classic town centre brownfield site" and that the town council is "committed to providing not only an attractive building which contributes to the street scene, but also a building with high sustainability credentials".

Town clerk Will Austin said: "Many community organisations - mostly arts and cultural - have told us that they are desperate for storage space and space to work from. We surveyed local groups informally and the results confirm the need.

"The design of the proposed building reflects the needs we have identified and we think this is an excellent community use of a long-unused space.

"We took the land over from Dorset Council last year and, subject to planning permission and funding, we hope to bring this important project to fruition before very long."

You can see the full planning application here and you can make comments until February 18.

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