New young people's song writing project at Bridport Arts Centre

By Guest

17th Feb 2022 | Local News

Local music charity B Sharp has joined forces with Bridport Arts Centre to organise a new song writing course for young people.

Songs of Here; Songs of Now is an eight-week course aimed at young people aged 14+ who are interested in writing their own songs or lyrics, or in producing their own music.

Led by professional musicians and composers, Herbie Treehead and Robert Lee, the course will help young people explore ways to express their ideas through words and music – including songs or spoken word or any other alternative form of production. At the end of the course, the young people will have the opportunity to perform the songs they have created at an outdoor performance on Lyme Regis seafront on Sunday, May 1 at 6pm as part of the Lyme Regis Fossil Festival.

B Sharp Director Ruth Cohen said: "Thanks to support from Dorset Community Foundation, we are able to provide a fantastic opportunity for young people to focus on writing music about their own lives, and experiences and how they see the world around them – and for them to have opportunities to express their ideas by performing their work as part of the Songs of Here; Songs of Now performance"

If you are interested in the course please see, visit Bridport TIC or call 01308 424901 or contact Ruth Cohen, B Sharp, [email protected]


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