New style Bridport Charter Fair will be coming to town this year

By Lottie Welch

17th Feb 2022 | Local News

Bridport Charter Fair will return this year with a new venue, date and set up, pictured, is the awarding of the Charter Fair Trophy last year to Dr Finucane
Bridport Charter Fair will return this year with a new venue, date and set up, pictured, is the awarding of the Charter Fair Trophy last year to Dr Finucane

A new Bridport Charter Fair will be coming to town this year - with a new date, venue and set up.

Organisers of the historic event have partnered with Bridport Town Council to create Bridport Community Charter Fair.

The new event will be held on Saturday, May 14 and will coincide with the now international event, 'Love Your Local Market', as the charter fair commemorates and celebrates the granting by King Henry III in 1253 of a charter giving Bridport the right to hold a weekly market - a market now recognised nationally, and described locally as 'the heart of Bridport'.

It's even more relevant with town surveyor Daryl Chambers being presented with a lifetime achievement award for services to markets at a recent conference of the National Association of British Market Authorities.

Joining the new event, which will be held at Mountfield, will be the annual community fair, previously held at the town hall, and the charter fair's existing partner, Bridport Rights Respecting, will also be there celebrating the town's citizen's charter of 2018.

Bridport Community Charter Fair will be a free event for community groups taking part and for those attending. There will be stalls, demonstrations, refreshments and entertainment throughout, with highlights being a family area for children and, thanks to Teresa Grinter, the return of maypole dancing on the green and the crowing of the May Queen.

The Charter Fair Trophy will continue to be presented in acknowledgement of exceptional service to the community, with last year's recipients being Bridport Medical Centre.

To book a stall, email [email protected] and for all other enquiries, email [email protected] or [email protected]

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