Ivy Bridport is now open! We are a florists based at 164 South Street. Parking is available outside the shop. Events, weddings, funerals all catered for including orders for any celebration. Flowers available in-store and requests welcome. Local delivery available on a Saturday.

Located at Martin's Bar & Restaurant, The Little Fire Station Soft Play is 70 square metres of fire-station themed soft play area, suitable for children up to 6 years old (or 130cms). The entry fee is £3.50 for 2-6 year olds or £2 for under 2s. You can also purchase a loyalty card which will save you money over multiple visits. Entry to the soft play is included for free with each children's meal purchased from the bar after 4pm. If parents don't want to eat a full meal, there is a range of cakes and snacks as well as Costa Coffee available.
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