Bridport Community Hospital to benefit from a share of £1.1million funding

By Lottie Welch

23rd Dec 2020 | Local News

Bridport Community Hospital will receive funding for two projects
Bridport Community Hospital will receive funding for two projects

Bridport Community Hospital will benefit from £1.1million of funding to Dorset HealthCare.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock announced the Government is investing £600million to tackle "crucial" maintenance work in hospitals.

Chris Lawrence, service director of estates and facilities at Dorset HealthCare, said: "The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has provided funding of £1.1million to Dorset HealthCare for eight maintenance projects.

"There are two schemes for Bridport Community Hospital. One involves improvements to the building's main ventilation system, which is currently underway, and the other is the replacement of the fire detection system, which is due to begin in January."

Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust also received £2.4million for five projects.

The South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, which provides services in Dorset and across the region, has secured £925,000 for eight projects.

The investment is part of £1.5billion announced by the Prime Minister in the summer to level up hospital infrastructure across the NHS.

Mr Hancock said: "Alongside delivering on our manifesto commitment to build 40 new hospitals and 20 major hospital upgrades across the country, this investment will help our NHS build back better.

"These crucial maintenance projects will deliver immediate benefits and provide NHS staff with the facilities they need to provide world-class care to their patients this winter, helping ensure the NHS is always there for you when you need it."

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